Al Jewer: Flutes of the World
Jewer, an internationally acclaimed flute player, composer, studio musician and record producer, has been with Call for Peace for four years. Receiving critical acclaim for live performances at festivals, fine arts concert series, museums and other celebrations, Jewer is a classically trained musician whose original compositions for Call for Peace are based upon his years of study and influences ranging from Native American to Celtic. Recent appearances include CBS’s 48 Hours, Chicago’s Whole Life Expo, Milwaukee’s Indian Summer, Chicago’s Adler Planetarium, Wisconsin Public Radio, Shingoethe Center for Native American Studies, Chicago’s Mitchell Indian Museum, the Geneva Bay Center, a worldwide syndicated children’s television show taped at WGN in Chicago, Prairie du Chein Rendezvous, and the Potowatomi and North Star Casinos. His first CD on Laughing Cat Records, Prairie Plain Song, made its debut at number four on the nationwide radio charts and is currently receiving international radio airplay and is in worldwide distribution. Jewer’s work has received numerous nominations and recognitions, including Best Native American CD (American Federation of Independent Musicians), Best New Age CD (New Age Voice magazine) and Best New Age Group (WAMI, Wisconsin Artists Awards).

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