Wanhong Joy Chen: Chinese

Chen is a Chinese folk dance performer who graduated from the Chinese Folk Dance Training Program at the Fujian Art Institute, Fuzhou and studied at the Central University of Nationalities in Beijing. An experienced choreographer and dancer, Chen founded the Blue Willow Chinese Dance Troupe that features dancers of many ethnicities and ages, promotes cross-cultural understanding and fosters an enthusiasm for art. The dance troupe has performed at the International Festival and the Children’s Arts Festival at the Civic Center in Madison, Wisconsin, as well as at the Chinese New Year Celebration at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Chen has been with Call for Peace Drum & Dance Company since 1995. She performs the Chinese Fan Dance, “Jasmine Flower,” a highly symbolic and intricate dance that reveals the beauty of the jasmine flower as a source of spiritual and aesthetic contentment. Additionally, Chen performs her red ribbons show, “Harvest Dance,” that represents the Chinese peoples’ love and desire to promote peace in the world.

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